Adam Brown先生/英語
Adam先生はイギリス出身。日本が好きで、日本語も勉強中で、時々とてもよい発音でお話になるので、ビックリすることがあります。きっと耳が良いのでしょう。 年齢はお若いのですが、とても頑張り屋で独立心が旺盛で、他人に頼らずしっかりと生活を送っている働き者です。
I can happily say without a doubt that working as an IHCWAY Teacher was amazing. There are so many benefits I found from working for this company.
You’re able to meet so many interesting people and not only teach them but are able to build up friendships which I like very much.
As for myself, I found this a great opportunity to not only teach others but also to help improve my own teaching ability as time went on.
After working for this company for almost a year, I will be able to leave with great experiences and happy memories.