マンツーマン英会話スクール IHCWAY | 先生の声

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2008.03.20 Thursday

Steven Hall先生/英語

  Hello all !!!
My name is Steven and I teach English part-time in Tokyo.Working for IHCWAY has been a great for me.
It has given me the chance to meet so many new and interesting people from many different backgrounds and industries. One of my main aims when came to Japan was to get to know as many Japanese people as possible. I find great enjoyment in teaching my students and watching them progress with their studies. What I find most interesting is how much you can have in common with someone from a completely different background.
IHCWAY's one-on-one lessons is very beneficial to a student's because the teacher and the student can build a level of understanding, which gives the student a great deal of confidence. A close bond grows and this allows the student to relax and allow effective communication.I always try to make my lessons fun, interesting and most importantly consistent. This makes learning English a lot more easier.
Happy learning
