マンツーマン英会話スクール IHCWAY | 先生の声

2008.03.16 Sunday

Dominik Hoepfner先生(ドイツ語)

  Guten Tag, mein Name ist Dominik Hoepfner. Ich arbeite seit Januar fuer IHCWAY als Deutschlehrer und liebe den Beruf.
Ich habe bereits schon mehrere Schueler, mit denen ich Deutschunterricht mache. Im Laufe dieser 3 Monate habe ich bereits seinen sehr guten Weg gefunden um meinen Schuelern die deutsche Sprache besser beibringen zu koennen.
Die deutsche Sprache ist oft eine sehr bildliche Sprache und um meinen Schuelern das Lernen zu vereinfachen, erklaere ich ihnen auch bildlich die Bedeutung der Woerter. Ich habe gemerkt, dass das meinen Schuelern sehr gut geholfen hat und viele von ihnen sich bereits sehr gesteigert haben. Das macht mich als Lehrer natuerlich auch sehr froh.Ich wuerde mich also freuen wenn noch andere Schueler, die Interesse an der deutschen Sprache haben, ihren Weg zu mir finden wuerden.
Mit meiner "bildlichen" Erklaerung wird euch vieles leichter fallen und ich denke das ihr euch sehr steigern werdet.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dominik Hoepfner

2008.02.22 Friday

Sandro Schwaderer 先生(英語・ドイツ語・イタリア語)

また、専門はコンピューターで、アイルランド等英語圏 のコンピューター会社に勤めておられたので、ビジネスレベルの英語も堪能です。
  Hello there!
I’m Sandro from Germany and I teach English and German at IHCWAY. In Japan,everything is really new and exciting to me. The reason for my stay here is to get to know Japanese language and culture as well as I possibly can.
So, I am really looking forward to getting to know as many people as possible. I like to think that my work at IHCWAY lets me do just that: share experiences with many people from a different culture – and if I can help others to improve their English at the same time, much the better.
When it comes to learning foreign languages, believe me, I’ve had my fair share: I speak not only English and German, but am fluent also in Italian and French.
It is never easy to learn a new language; whether one is just at the beginning or a bit more advanced – it always takes a lot of effort and hard work to reach that next level. The good thing is, you are not the only one having difficulties! And as a teacher I want to guide you and help you achieving your goal in a fun and relaxed atmosphere with lessons tailored to your individual interests.
I am really looking forward to hearing from you.


2007.10.22 Monday

Daniel Fink先生/ドイツ語・英語

Hello everybody,
My name is Daniel, I am 25 years old and I am from Leipzig, Germany.
I live in Japan for about 9 months now and count the experience of living here as one of the most important and exciting times of my life so far.
Teaching for IHCWAY has been a major part of my stay here in Tokyo since the beginning and I thoroughly enjoy the time with my students. The private teaching method of IHCWAY not only gives the students a very individualized way to improve their English/German speaking skills, but also offers the unique opportunity for real cultural exchange for the student and the teacher, while learning English/German together.
Being a Japanese science major, I ask a lot of questions and my students are always eager to answer my questions about Japanese culture while I tell them about my experiences in America or how Germany is not about sausages and beer only.
I think it is the best way to improve your English skill by using it in a natural conversation like this. It keeps the learning of the language motivational and exciting.
Hope to meet you soon,
